Diane Gherson -HR – IBM

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future of

Changing the way HR is done. We all knew it was happening, but the last two years has shown us that

The Future is Here!

It sounds like big business is definitely being very innovative in their future plans. Humanity has been slowly (in human terms, bringing in the AI systems to handle the Human Resource and Talent Acquisitions Departments of their businesses.

Over these two years, businesses were forced to look at their workforce differently. Major changes had to be put in place quickly, and AI was there to help transition in a much less destructive manner than if we had not had things in place for the online business-function model.

Enjoy Ms. Gherson’s informative interview. She has a lot of insight and explains the positive moves that IBM has been making. Progress for the Human Resource Department working with a AI to analyze informational statistics to, in-turn, create a more efficient process sounds great. I liked hearing that HR is becoming more relevant in top discussions and at decision-making times. The work-related issues do seem to be very distressing right now. When we hear jobs are staying open for 3-6 months and see the poverty all around us, we want to find solutions. All level jobs are being affected at this point.

Ms. Gherson gives me thoughts about businesses becoming more adaptive to their employees. Understanding that employees are to be appreciated for their work and their time. We have heard the stories about how employees have been treated in the past by businesses that had no so ethical practices for their employees.

In 2021, we are seeing sign-on bonuses, paid trips, extra employee benefits and other incentives to come to work for some organizations. I take this as a sign that companies are beginning to understand the value of their “good employees”, which I feel is a positive step for our future workforce.

The Big Discussion Today Is About

Upskilling and Lifelong Learning

From 2021 on, I think these should be our goals in life.

Learning is mind-broadening, and in the rapidly changing world we see today, it is becoming necessary.

We are beginning to see a world full of innovation. Innovation means change. We must prepare ourselves to be relevant to future needs as things change around us.

outside the box

We are beginning to see a world full of innovation. Innovation brings change.

We are beginning to see a world of “thinking outside the box”

Discovering that your own talents, gifts and desires can lead to a rewarding lifetime & can lead to new opportunities for an employee or entrepreneur.

I hope you enjoyed the video. I certainly did.

Ms. Gherson has given us all some valuable information. For the younger generations, she has given you hope for your future. When big businesses and their workers can get on the “same page” of understanding with each others’ needs and requirements, true solutions can be found.

I hope you enjoyed the video. I certainly did. Ms. Gherson has given us all some valuable information. For the younger generations, she has given you hope for your future. When big businesses and their workers can get on the “same page” of understanding with each others’ needs and requirements, true solutions can be found.

Success is about working together for the same goals.

That’s called Motivation!!!!

HR Systems Analyst

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Debbie Foster

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Experienced Recruiter, Social Media Graphics Designer, Special Needs Teacher and Trainer. Strong believer in positive change is up to us. Support Sustainability of life on this planet, Respecting and Caring For Each Other, and Respecting the Constitution along with the rights of others to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our Thoughts create our Future. Expect the Best

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