What? Mining Workers Not Worried About AI Future?

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Why are Mining Workers Not Worried About The Future of AI?


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Mining Workers Not Worried About AI Future in the hiring process? 

With all the talk about AI taking over jobs in our hiring processes, it is surprising to learn that a survey in Australia of mining workers found this is not the case.

Information from the recent article in Mining People, entitled:  Workers Excited About Minings High Tech Future Survey, show us the following:

“In fact, the people who work in the mining industry are keen on technology. It’ll make their jobs safer, easier, and more efficient. It will help extend their careers in the industry, and they’re ready to upskill, re-skill and train in order to take advantage of that.”

That means investing in technology is a win-win for any mining company — and that’s certainly good and refreshing news at a time when our industry is looking for ways to meet the market’s demands while the skilled and experienced people we need are becoming harder and harder to find.

The survey found:

“When we asked respondents why they felt the way they felt, a few key themes emerged. We supplied a dozen possible responses to choose from and respondents were asked to tick all that they felt applied to them. These were the top replies:

  • 20%     Smart mines are just the next logical step and I’m excited to be a part of it
  • 16%     My job will become more high-tech with smart mines
  • 12.6%  I will have to upskill in order to keep my mining job/career
  • 12.5%  My job really needs a human and can’t be easily replaced by automation or AI
  • 10%     I’m already gaining/have the technical skills required to ensure I have good job prospects in the future
  • 4.6%    My job is dangerous and smart mine technology will make it safer for me to do my work, which might keep me in the industry longer.”

The article makes it clear that the mining business is “thinking ahead”. The use of AI will add to the need for more education, more knowledge, more creativity and conscious imagination.  The mining business has always been dangerous and invasive.  Using AI for the manual, more dangerous tasks, with an eye toward the future needs of the area can be the change needed in today’s mining culture.  I have always been a fan of learning and it seems our mining industry is ready for new and better ways of working with the new opportunities available to the industry.  This is an exciting time for an industry that is already expanding and growing.  Job opportunities in the mining industry are looking very exciting and positive for those involved.

future of
The Future of Mining Jobs I just wanted to share what Dan Hatch, from Mining People International -MPI News, said in the article:

“In fact, the people who work in our industry are keen on technology. It’ll make their jobs safer, easier, and more efficient. It will help extend their careers in the industry, and they’re ready to upskill, re-skill and train in order to take advantage of that.”

“That means investing in technology is a win-win for any mining company — and that’s certainly good and refreshing news at a time when our industry is looking for ways to meet the market’s demands while the skilled and experienced people we need are becoming harder and harder to find.”

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Debbie Foster

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